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How To Survive a World That Has Gone Insane

Some say the world has gone insane. Some say we have strange people eating our pets. The cost for a cup of coffee can feed a small third world village for a week. People are getting way too easily offended. What was right is now wrong. Common sense has flown out the window. (If any “birds” were feeling marginalized by that last statement, I apologize).

Chaos can be beneficial. “What?” You might exclaim, “has the beloved host of this blog finally given in the the voices in his head?” No, I assure you, I am still the sound in mind, stable and sensible, yet throughly delusional individual that I always have been. As you know, I am always looking for the good in things and not only is my glass half full, it is overflowing and making a mess on the table. “What in the world is good about chaos?” Good question, I’m glad you asked.

As humans, we have the ability to make choices for ourselves. We can do what we believe is right and refuse to co-operate in the madness. We all have choices that we make every day. There is no law, yet, that we have to do or say what society dictates. I, myself, am determined not to cooperate. We can turn something as negative as chaos into something positive. Let the current situation in this world motivate you to actions you might have formerly been reluctant to do. Such as:

1.) Smile at your fellow man. This can be a very simple but effective way of making people comfortable around you. That is, if you know how to smile correctly. Smiling with your eyes wide open, locked in gaze with the other person’s eyes can result in possible personal harm.

2.) Say a greeting to your fellow man. Be warned, your choice of greeting will dictate the effectiveness of this approach. If you choose any words/phrases starting with the letter “F” or “Go to” or asking if they are a crazy as they look can be problematic. Remember my motto: “Just because it popped into your head, doesn’t mean it should come out of your mouth.” That’s why I have my daughter as my editor, you should have seen the original draft of this blog. Keep it upbeat and friendly. Don’t forget that smile (the normal one).

3.) Do not be judgemental of your fellow man. People are different. That’s a good thing. Variety allows you to interchange cultures and ideas. Looking for the positive, you may just learn something. If you don’t agree with something they think – keep it to yourself, that is unless you like chaos, and if you do, why are you reading this?

4.) Look for something good about your fellow man. It can be anything.

  • Their smile -whether they have teeth , tooth or nothing at all.
  • Their looks – remember, it’s rude to stare. You never know, they might just be trying not to stare back at you. It has been said that variety is the spice of life and some of us make it very spicy indeed. If everyone looked the same, that would be terrifying not to mention the problems that would cause families, marriages, companies, photography studios, fashion designers, and so on. (That’s why penguins will never succeed in taking over the world.)
  • Their abilities – you can be amazed at what people can do. Walk tightropes, dive off cliffs into the ocean – on purpose, no less. Play musical instruments and not sound like old aunt Edna with her violin that sounds like a cat being sat on. Sing like beautiful birds (with the exception of strangled seagulls).
  • Their personalities. Crazy, sane, boring, exciting, confusing, annoying, fast, slow, really slow, glacier speed (usually really, really old). Note – do not disregard any of these types – the stories they can tell you – if we would only take the time to listen.

In short, don’t take everything so literally or seriously. Even this blog. Humor is the last bastion of sanity in this world that has gone mad.

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