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“Stuff Happens”

“Stuff Happens”

Most people would use the bad word for poop in place of the word “stuff” but I don’t like cussing.

We have heard that statement, seen it on bumper stickers and may have even uttered it ourselves (shame on you!). It usually is used in a negative context to explain why bad things happen. It really is a true statement though. While negative things do happen to each and every one of us it is up to us on how we deal with it.

In my case it is the recent diagnosis of BvFTD (Behavioural Varient Frontotemporal Dementia or Pick’s disease.)

The symptoms of BvFTD are personality changes, apathy, and a progressive decline in socially appropriate behavior, judgment, self-control, and empathy.

That first symptom, personality changes. I have recently noticed that behavior in my interactions with  Angie (my first and only girlfriend). She says I’ve been a little crabby lately. I would change the two “b’s” in “crabby” to two “p’s”, but then I don’t like cussing…… My children have agreed with her in that sentiment also and I always trust what they say, unless they are wrong…..

The second symptom, apathy. I really don’t care about that.

The third symptom, “a progressive decline in socially appropriate behavior, judgment, self-control, and empathy”. Pretty much describes me for most of my life, so apparently I was born with that part. That is except for the “empathy” part. I have empathy for all people but symptom number two  may kick in at any moment so what can I say?

I choose to have fun with everything I face. I do this with all the things that happen in my life. A positive attitude goes a long way. I firmly believe that statement. My father was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer and was given 18 months to live. He chose not to allow that to happen and he passed away 11 years later only because he gave up when mom died.

The prognosis for BvFTD, according to my doctor, is 7 – 10 years. I choose not to cooperate in this matter. That’s one of the symptoms anyway. I used to work in the medical field when I was young (Please see the post entitled “Hospital Stories” ). From my three and a half years working in the hospital, I discovered why they refer to the medical trade as a “practice of medicine”. I hereby rest my case.

Now what?

In my humble opinion, nothing changes. I have alway been blessed with a positive outlook on life. My children always said that on my headstone they would simply put “He was a nice guy” as that is my reply to anything negative that is said to me about anyone else. How do I deal with “stuff” in life? I’m glad you asked:

1.) My faith. If you have been a regular reader of this blog you are already aware that my family and I are Jehovah’s Witnesses. I go out of my way not to mention details of my beliefs. This format, a public blog, is not the appropriate platform for propounding my faith. If anyone would like to know more about Jehovah’s Witnesses please go to their official website at . If anyone would like a one on one discussion of my scriptural beliefs please feel free to use the “contact us” page and I would be happy to do so with you. Public forums, such as this one, only open up opportunities for those that strongly disagree with you (aka “Haters”)  to spout their personal feelings. (If that is the case in your world, please feel free to start your own blog and I will feel free not to read it.)

2.) My attitude. While this is closely related to my belief system it is also just my personal way of dealing with things. Let’s face it. I’m a little “off”. My personal motto is “I’m so positive, when I go fishing, I take Tauter sauce!” well, that and “Don’t sweat the petty things and by all means, don’t pet the sweaty things.” If you would like an in-depth overview of the inner workings of my mind please refer to the “Stuff You Might Have Missed” button and read any of the 46 posts or listen to the 15 podcasts on this site as of date. I will warn you, proceed at your own risk as my outlook is highly contagious.

3.) My personal view of the future. Again, closely related to my faith but also a way that I simply view the lives we have. Like all of you, my family and I have been through a great amount of personal loss and suffering. I never view these situations as a negative. I view it as a challenge to be overcome. For example, this current issue of BvFTD is an opportunity to show the world what I am made of. Look at the positives here. I now have a “reason” for my stupidity in life. It is no longer an “excuse”. A doctor has confirmed it! Now,  while it may be inappropriate to climb up on a billboard about a “Run for Alzheimer’s” in the middle of the night and attach a poster that simply says “Don’t Forget!” now you know why I would do it! ( If anyone with a loved one or perhaps you yourself are suffering from this horrible condition please know that I can understand your pain. I have lost quite a few close friends to Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Unfortunately, I’m a sick man. If you have any doubt please reread this blog.)

What Can You Do?

I’m glad you asked:

1.) Be patient. Remember this is a “progressive” disease. If I go too far, please let me know. My wife and children have become experts at that already. Just use the comment feature at the bottom of this post.

2.) Remember. This is a light hearted blog. It is meant to be humorous. It is also a great therapy for me. I now have a reason, not an excuse.

3.) Smile. It is the easiest thing to do. A smile can make your day if you see someone else with one directed at you. Be that someone to make someone else feel better.

4.) Life goes on. So will this web site. I am planning on continuing to blog and podcast as long as I can. I am actually planning on the status quo for quite some time. That reminds me of a joke:

You know how to make God laugh?

Tell him your plans………





3 thoughts on ““Stuff Happens””

    1. Thanks for the pep talk Kathy! I give myself one several time a day and most of the time I believe it!
      Good thing I’m modest. Oh, yeah, Humble too……Did I mention good looking?


  1. Keep on keepin’ on! I always enjoy my dose of Derek whenever I can get it. As you say this is an opportunity, so make the the best of it…just don’t let it go to your head 🙂

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